Sophia Unity Foundation

By working together we are stakeholders in the future.


The purpose of the Sophia Unity Foundation is to promote the communication of enduring values to benefit the public good. Our objective is to spread the ideals that allow human culture to flourish and grow in balance with the rest of the natural world. 

We endeavor to utilize all forms of the communication arts and sciences to reach our ongoing objectives of presenting a way to discover the inborn human knowledge which is the birthright of each person on the Earth. The methods and reach of the Sophia Unity Foundation may transform as the evolution of society allows it and as determined by the board of directors in office at that time. 

What is needed just now is for each person to become as curious about inner space of his or her being as the world has become enraptured with outer space—to explore—so to speak—the uncharted interior universe wherein lies the final frontier of peace, which is so elusive to the world at large. 

Advances in science in the area of the study of the human mind, emotions, psychology, and physiology have caught the attention of the general public. Old questions are being answered and new questions are being generated every day, peaking the interest in our own capacities for peaceful non-stressful lifestyles. 

The art form that has caught the attention of the world at this time is the internet and television distributed motion picture, web page, ebook, musical performances and the recorded and live-broadcast spoken word. The current objective of the Sophia Unity Foundation, therefore, is to endeavor to bring to life, examples of spirituality in action that can be emulated, and provide a template for those who are ready to commit themselves to becoming responsible individual instruments of the evolution of humankind. 

You can become a stakeholder in the present which will unfold the future.

The Symbolic logo of Sophia Unity Foundation - The Wings of the Heart of Music That Lift The Soul to a New Grade of Evolution. You can support us by sending for a T-Shirt.

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